God in the center of our relationships

Posts tagged ‘pursue women’

To pursue is to be a Man!

from actlikeaman.org

aIt is not a word you often hear people use when it comes to courting a girl. Maybe because it is mostly used by men in achurch and in teachings on courtship and biblical manhood but I do believe this word is worth knowing and applying.

Men – don’t dilly dally when you like a girl. Pursue her with the best intentions in mind. Pursuing connotes action. It is not passive. It takes risk and leadership.

You go after the girl!!! You don’t wait for the girl, you get on your horse, sharpen your sword, slay the dragon and get that girl.

For women, being pursued is a great experience. I know a girl who has been courted so many times but when this man from church used and live out “pursuing” to its very core, she felt beautiful, treasured and like a princess in the real sense.

In her new book Where Have All the Good Men Gone?: Why So Many Christian Women Are Remaining Single
A.J. Kiesling reports her findings from an in-depth survey of 120 single Christian women. What was their most common complaint about men? Kiesling reports: “Over and over I heard the words, ‘I wish men would step up to the plate and take a risk in asking me out.’”

Here is feedback that Kiesling received directly from real-world single Christian women about Christian men.

“God didn’t create you to be passive. Pursuit seems to be obsolete, but we still want to be pursued.”

“It seems like men aren’t willing to take the risk of asking a woman out, since they don’t have to anymore. There are plenty of women who will chase them, yet I won’t. I want them to pursue me.”

“Quit saying, ‘I’m waiting on God to bring me my future mate.’ What a cop-out! You’re scared, and you’re afraid of being hurt or rejected and — gasp! — you might be tempted to have sex!”

Be the man and step up the plate. Pursue the girl. It is how things work!!!

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