God in the center of our relationships

Creative date Ideas

A date with someone special can be one of the most thrilling and memorable experiences of your life. The potential for romance, laughter, excitement, closeness, , growth, communication ,greater friendship and memories is priceless.
Most people put surprisingly little effort into planning a date that is conducive to these wonderful possibilities. Oftentimes we spend our dates having dinner to various restaurants. Thus, we end up spending  too much. If your desire is to be wise in spending your money and to being a good steward of your resources, We thought of posting great dating tips in this page of the blog.
Is it possible to glorifying God during our dates? Yes of course. We hope to hear ideas from you too. God bless your relationship with your girlfriend/fiancée/spouse/friends/ parents.

We hope to get ideas from you too. Here are some ideas from I got from books and Internet.

Cheap date Ideas many times aren’t a consideration for many. In fact, most people are under the incorrect assumption that dating needs to be expensive and that fun dates and cheap date ideas for couples are impossible, or simply unacceptable.

But, the fact is that no one should has spend an arm and a leg to have a good time on a date! And many times the expensive dates can quickly become old hat. Not only that, but creative date ideas are literally all around you; you only need to stop and spend a little time thinking about what you and your date might enjoy doing together. Tailor these activities and ideas to your interests and lifestyle and you’ll find there are plenty of inexpensive date ideas you can take advantage of. Here are some of my fave’s!

Rolling Along:
rollerbladesFor those who like outdoor activities, try roller blading along a boardwalk, promenade or out-door trail. If the weather’s bad, take it indoors to a skating rink! Not only is it an active and fun way to spend some time, it can also be one of the more romantic date ideas. Just make sure you’re both comfortable on skates and take proper safety precautions. Ambulances and dates never mix well!

Driving Through:
date ideas golf

Try going to a driving range and hitting a bucket of golf balls. Maybe even make it into a contest, with a prize for the person who hits the most number of balls past a certain distance. As cheap date ideas go, you can get a lot of distance out of this one.

Frosty Time:

Great for cold winters, if this applies to you! On a cold wintery snow day, invite your partner over to build a snowman and then make hot cocoa together. If you work this one properly, it could also become one of the most romantic date ideas as well.

Mini Dates:
mini golfThis is one of the top fun date ideas on everyone’s list: miniature golfing. Even dating sites recommend this one. It’s almost always fun since, no matter how good you are at golf, mini golf is always a challenge. With silly wind-mills and wacky distractions, mini golf is a great way to have a good time. In fact, part of the fun is in seeing who is more inept!

zooGoing to the zoo can be one of the best cheap date ideas. Wander around outdoors, buy some balloons, ride on a carousel and watch in wonder as the lions roar. Also, you can learn more about what your partner thinks of animals, and even see a different side to their personality. The zoo is a fantastic first date idea, and is also a great setting for some good conversation.

Picnic in the Park:
cheap date ideas romantic picnic

This one is probably near the top of any free date ideas listing. After all, who doesn’t enjoy having a picnic? Going out to a nice calm setting, surrounded by nature can be very relaxing. It is also one of the more romantic date ideas, especially if the two of you prepare the food together.

Pick A Pear:
orchardWhen in season, head to a nearby apple orchard or strawberry patch to pick some fruit. When you’re done collecting your share, sit down and rest with a cup of hot chocolate or a cappuccino. Then, take your bounty home and whip up a nice seasonal, fruity dessert.

Sing Me a Song:
dating tips mic

If you are not afraid to laugh at yourself (and others!) you could have a blast doing karaoke. You and your date could maybe even make it a theme night by doing only particular songs (i.e. songs with the color red in them, or only heavy metal bands).

cheap date idea: go cartOne of the fastest cheap date ideas is go kart racing. Combining the elements of fun and light competitiveness can be a nice way to spend some time together. These two elements together seem to really bring people closer together. As an added bonus, you get to see how a bad a driver your date really is!

Your Artistic Side:
art museum date ideaPack up some art supplies that are easy to carry. Think watercolors, pencils, or crayons. Head to a nearby art museum or art gallery for an interesting exhibition and wander through together. Many cities have free evenings or weekends, and most art galleries are free. Once you’ve soaked up some art inside, take your inspiration outside – open up your art supplies in a nearby park and sketch and draw the things around you!

And our very own favorite,


With a good pair of shoes, a good MP3 player if you like (I like it best with my Nike+ app). We encourage/motivate each other to beat our old record. We feel healthier after , gives us the rights to celebrate for a sumptuous meal together!

So there you go, hope to hear from you too! Have a fun and memorable dates with your love-ones!

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